MIT Alumni Named Among Tech Review’s Top Innovators Under 35
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Earlier this month, MIT Technology Review released its annual list of the top 35 innovators under the age of 35. And similar to past years, the listing has a strong MIT alumni connection. At least 13 from MIT made this year’s list, the highest showing since Slice of MIT began tracking Institute alumni on TR’s list in 2012.
TR’s 35 under 35, now in its 18th publishing, is dominated this year by innovators from across the AI field, with others hailing from the worlds of medicine, computing, communications, and nanotechnology. And for the first time in the list’s history, the list features more women than men.
The list is split into five categories: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Visionaries, Humanitarians, and Pioneers. View the list of MIT-connected honorees below, then explore the full list of 35 Innovators Under 35 at MIT Technology Review’s website. Did Slice miss anyone from MIT on this year’s list? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter.
James Dahlman PhD '15
Georgia Tech
“His method for encoding nanoparticles makes it possible to test 300 drugs at once.”
Shreya Dave '09, SM '12, PhD '16
Via Separations
“Widespread adoption of her company’s filtration system could eliminate anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of the energy used in industrial separation processes.”
Will McLean PhD '14
Frequency Therapeutics
“Believes he’s found a fix for a medical conundrum that many thought could never be solved: hearing loss in humans.”
Natalya Bailey PhD '15
Accion Systems
“Helped develop a way to propel satellites as small as a shoebox or as big as a refrigerator using engines about the size of a dime.”
William Woodford PhD '13
Form Energy
“Identified metal-sulfur chemistries to replace expensive, football-field-size lithium-ion batteries.”
Marzyeh Ghassemi PhD '17
University of Toronto
“Designed a suite of machine-learning methods to turn messy clinical data into useful predictions about how patients will fare during a hospital stay.”
Archana Kamal (2013 postdoc)
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
“Shrunk the components for quantum computing, forgoing large magnets and complicated devices too big to fit on a single chip.”
Brenden Lake PhD '14
New York University
“Created an AI program that can learn novel handwritten characters as well as a human can after seeing just a single example.”
Prineha Narang (2016 postdoc)
Harvard University
“Her atomic scaled research could result in improved reflectors and lenses for telescopes, lighter cell phones with better cameras, or synthetic fuels.”
Minmin Yen ’11
“Created a solution to cholera superior to slow, bacterial conforming antibiotics: bacteriophages.”
Joy Buolamwini SM '17
MIT Media Lab and Algorithmic Justice League
“Found that existing data sets for facial-analysis systems contained predominantly pale-skinned and male faces. Now, it is her mission to confront bias in algorithms.”
Alessandro Chiesa '09, MNG '10, PhD '14
University of California, Berkeley
“His cryptocurrency makes transactions as anonymous as handing someone a $20 bill from your wallet.”
Chelsea Finn '14
Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Lab
“Her robots act like toddlers—watching adults, copying them in order to learn.”